First Lady Mari Culver to Announce Iowa Rental Help Program Tomorrow
Unique federally funded program will provide Iowans with housing assistance. DES MOINES, IA - October 27, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- First Lady Mari Culver tomorrow will announce a new federally funded rental assistance program that can help Iowans who are struggling financially.
Midtown Family Community Center
Midtown Family Community Center
Summer Activities
Camp CSI June 22nd-26th
The Midtown Family Community Center (MFCC), located at 525 14th Street, will be holding youth activities...
Area Road Construction Update
April 30, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Gordon Drive - The Iowa Department of Transportation has reduced traffic to one lane in each direction for HMA Patching on IA 12 (Gordon Drive) from US 20 west to Pearl Street. Construction is anticipated to be complete May 29th.
Midtown Family Community Center
January 22, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — The Midtown Family Community Center (MFCC), located at 525 14th Street, will be holding an open house event on Friday, January 23. Events for youth and adults will be available and will include various youth activities, a chili feed, Jones Street Neighborhood Social. Additionally, information on the City’s housing rehabilitation program will be available for property owners
Ericson Public Library sponsors seminars for home buyers, sellers
Are you discouraged by watching the house hunting shows on television? Do you think that without granite countertops your house won't sell? Do you...