What to expect when the inspector comes to your damaged property
WEST DES MOINES, IA - August 23, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- If you have registered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) because your home was damaged by severe storms, tornadoes and flooding, that have occurred since June 1, the next step in the process is to have your home inspected, according to state and federal disaster officials
Rental Registration Fees Due
Sioux City, IA - January 27, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Inspection Services Division would like to remind property owners who have rental property within the city to register the property before it is to be rented or leased.
Rental Registration Fees Due
November 5, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Inspection Services Division would like to remind property owners who have rental property within the city to register the property before it is to be rented or leased.
First Lady Mari Culver Announces Iowa Rental Help
New program provides housing assistance to Iowans in need. DES MOINES, IA - October 28, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- First Lady Mari Culver announced a new program today that will help hundreds of Iowans maintain or acquire an affordable rental home. As part of the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, almost $1.5 billion was allocated to cities and states for the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program.
First Lady Mari Culver to Announce Iowa Rental Help Program Tomorrow
Unique federally funded program will provide Iowans with housing assistance. DES MOINES, IA - October 27, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- First Lady Mari Culver tomorrow will announce a new federally funded rental assistance program that can help Iowans who are struggling financially.
January 28, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Today, Congressman Dave Loebsack joined a bipartisan majority of his colleagues in support the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, H.R. 1, to address the economic crisis facing our country that has left millions out of work, families struggling, and businesses closing their doors
Midtown Family Community Center
January 22, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — The Midtown Family Community Center (MFCC), located at 525 14th Street, will be holding an open house event on Friday, January 23. Events for youth and adults will be available and will include various youth activities, a chili feed, Jones Street Neighborhood Social. Additionally, information on the City’s housing rehabilitation program will be available for property owners